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Srednja škola Bol, Bol

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O projektu-ukratko

The “Grow Healthy! Let's create a Well-being Cocktail!” project assumes the importance of the internationalization of schools in the sustainability of education, as a differentiating strategy for the development of everyone involved and of all sectors of global society. The four partner schools, Portugal as the coordinating and Croatia, Turkey and Bulgaria as partners, believe that their teachers and students must have the opportunity to improve the quality and competitiveness of their teaching institution and the healthy lifestyle learning. Educational institutions have a duty to help their teachers/staff and students to develop and become physically and balanced people, competent to live and work in the European environment of pluralism, tolerance and receptivity. The project life cycle is 24 months, starting in September (2020) and end in August (2022) and involves the participation of the entire school community. Involves the direct participation in mobility’s of 48 young people (12 from each country), aged between 14 and 19 years old, a significant part being from disadvantaged sociocultural contexts, and 24 teachers (6 each country). The project includes four short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Portugal/Turkey/Croatia/Bulgaria. During short-term exchanges, participants will work on the topic of physical and emotional well-being, applying technology, theater, games, sport, mindfulness, nutrition, art, biology, geography, languages, among others. The logistics aspects (travel/insurance/CES/accommodation) are ensured.
Selection is transparent, disseminating the project, motivating the school community and wider audiences. An interview will be held, with defined and publicized criteria, based on equal opportunities. The students/teachers are asked for the CV/ motivation letter. Other project events in each country includes: meetings to delineate content and implementation/ evaluation/dissemination/workshops/campaigns/road shows/games. Channels are used to facilitate communication (Twinspace/phone/email/skype).It is intended to produce, among others, the following results, leaflets, posters, videos, CLIL classes, emotional first aid kit, healthy eBook, bulletins, workshops, collaborative learning methods, renewal of instruments and methodologies for assessing projects. This project primarily aims at endowing its participants with the opportunity of international cooperation with the purpose of acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences, fostering innovation when it comes to teaching practices, enhancing ICT use in teaching and promoting life-long learning.
The project aims to provide participants with information on human physical and emotional well-being, the creation of new digital tools and materials related to the theme and to integrate them into the existing curricula of the institutions, also contributing to the reduction of obesity, diabetes and sedentary lifestyle and better emotional management. We want have
the opportunity to strengthen the sense of European identity in young generations and prepare them to participate in Europe's economic, social and cultural development, as well as offering them opportunities to favor principles, values, individual freedoms and democracy. We intend exchange best practice examples with the partners and a wider community in each participating country and develop Twinspace of the project and a common webpage where schools can communicate and exchange ideas and upload materials. Supporting certificates will be issued and requested the Europass Mobility for students. The involvement of the students/staff in the exploration/dissemination will be encouraged.
When the participants return to their schools they will train their peers concerning the knowledge, experience and results they gained during the exchange. All the partners will work together in eTwinning sharing their materials and results, which will also be disseminated via partner school webpages and the project webpage. We believe that the project will result a long-term in a better understanding of human physical and emotional health, increase in healthy diet and active lifestyle in young generations, decrease in obesity, diabetes and emotional issues. Furthermore, we believe that the cooperation among the partners will result in a collection of new, innovative teaching approaches and materials applicable to the curricula of their educational organizations. By making the materials and results of the project publicly available in school webpages, eTwinning, Erasmus + Project Results Platform and the project webpage, other educational institutions and interested individuals and parties will be able to improve their methodologies, beyond the term of the project. Europe's partners promote quality training through cooperation, sharing methodologies, in the current context of globalization, with a solid network of cooperation between all, valuing and giving visibility to the Erasmus+ project.



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