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Srednja škola Bol, Bol

Učimo jezike

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Hello Zdravo
Good afternoon Dobar dan
Good morning Dobro jutro
Good night Laku noć
How are you? Kako si?
I'm fine thanks Dobro sam, hvala
What's your name? Kako se zoveš?
My name is... Moje ime je...
How old are you? Koliko imaš godina?
I'm... years old Imam... godina
Which sport do you do? Kojim se sportom baviš?
Fruits and vegetables Voće i povrće
Apple, orange, strawberry Jabuka, naranča, jagoda
Carrot, potatoes, broccoli Mrkva, krumpir, brokula








Good morning

Buenos días

Bon dia

Good evening

Buenas tardes

Bona vesprada

Good night

Buenas noches

Bona nit

How are you?

i’m fine thanks

¿Cómo estás?

Estoy bien,gracias

Com estas?

Estic bé, gràcies.

What is your name?

My name is….

¿Cuál es tu nombre?

Mi nombre es….

Com et dius?

El meu nom és...

Where do you live?

I live in Istambul

¿Dónde vives?

Vivo en Estambul

On vius?

Visc a Estambul

How old are you

I’m 16 years old

¿Qué edad tienes?

Tengo 16 años

Quants anys tens?

Tinc 16 anys.

Do you have any brothers?

¿Tienes hermanos?

Tens germans o germanes?




Wich spotr do you do?

¿Qué deporte haces?

Quins esports fas?

I play tennis/ basketball/ football

Yo juego a tenis/baloncesto y a fútbol

Jugue al tenis/bàsquet/futbol.

Which fruit do you like?

I like apple/ orange/ banana

¿Qué fruta te gusta?

Me gusta la manzana/la naranja y el plátano

¿Quina fruta t’agrada? M’agrada la poma/la taronja/el plàtan.






Good Morning


Good Evening


Good Night


How are you?

I’m fine thanks

Come stai?

Bene, grazie

What is your name?

My name is….

Come ti chiami?

Alessia Rispoli

Where do you live?

I live in Aversa

Dove vivi?

Io vivo in Aversa

How old are you?

I’m 15 years old

Quanti anni hai?

Ho 15 anni

Do you have any Brothers?

Hai fratelli?



Which sport do you do?

Che sport pratichi?

I play soccer/volleyball/basketball

Pratico il calcio/pallavolo/basket

Which fruit do you like?

I like apple / orange /strawberries

Quale frutta ti piace?

Mi piace la mela/ l’arancia/ fragole

What’s the weather like today?

Com’è il tempo oggi?

What’s your favourite hobby?

Quale è il tuo hobby preferito?

Do you like reading?

Ti piace leggere?



Have got a lot of friends?

Hai molti amici?


Health Dictionary ( Common product)

English Turkish Italian Croatian Spanish German
Hospital Hastane                Ospedale Bolnica Hospital Krankenhaus
Doctor Doktor Dottore Doktor Médico/a Doktor
Patient Hasta                  Paziente Pacijent Paciente Patient
Nurse Hemşire Infermiera Medicinska sestra Enfermero/a Krankenschwester
Pharmacy Eczane Farmacia Ljekarna Farmacia Apotheke
Medicine İlaç Medicina Lijek Medicina Medizin
Prescription Reçete Ricetta medica/ Prescrizione Recept Receta médica Rezept
Syrup Şurup Sciroppo Sirup Jarabe Sirup
Painkiller Ağrı kesici Analgesico Sredstvo protiv bolova (Analgetici) Analgésico Schmerzmittel

Pronunciation of Turkish words

Pronunciation of italian words


...............English................... .................Turkish.................. ........................Pronunciation............................
Hello Merhaba

Good morning Günaydın

Good evening İyi akşamlar

Good night İyi geceler

How are you?

I'm fine thanks


İyiyim teşekkürler

What is your name

My name is ..........

Adın nedir?

Benim adım .........

Where do you live?

I live in Istanbul

Nerede yaşıyorsun?

İstanbul'da yaşıyorum.

How old are you?

I'm 16 years old.

Kaç yaşındasın?

On altı yaşındayım.

Do you have any brothers?

Kardeşin var mı?
Yes / No Evet / Hayır
Which sport do you do?

Hangi sporu yaparsın?
I play tennis / basketball / football Tenis/ basketbol / futbol oynarım.

Which fruit do you like?

I like apple / orange /banana

Hangi meyveyi seversin?

Elma / Portakal / Muz severim.


Emocionalna prva pomoć

Zdravi obroci


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Posjetite naš blog i komentirajte ;)

Plakati-Kako će čovjek izgledati 2200


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Kahoot Quiz


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Dan eTwinninga-9.svibnja

Celebrating eTwinning Day!

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Kulturna baština na TwinSpace-u

Celebrating eTwinning and Cultural Heritage recreating a European Artwork !

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Oblaci s riječima našiš partnera i naših učenika

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Pisma naših učenika za spas planeta

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9 May E-Twinning Day

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Škraping-doing exercise by the sea--------island Brač

If the "Earth was human"

If the "Earth was human" is the theme of our videos.

"The Earth" is represented as a teenage girl who is very ill and goes to the hospital. It has wounds in its wings (from debris, oil spills) a growing fever (followed by global warming), a headache (as a result of ecological damage) and a cough (from air pollutions)
Doctres Vee is the one who examines and tells her what is wrong. Earth is infected! She must be cured immediately (to live without people) but she does not accept it. After she listens to the Earth's reasons, the doctrines tell her to leave. She tells her that she can not cure someone who does not want to be cured.
The earth leaves her office in great sadness. She does not know what to do.
But luckily she gets help from "The Future" (kids). They say they are changing, the time has come for conscience but ...

Are they? Are we?...

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Tehnologija u zdravlju
  • Technology in Health




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Traženje vena

The vein visualization device. This device will make it easier to find your veins!

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Naši partneri

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7 April World Health Day

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Plakat o sportu

Naš plakat o sportu

Plakati o sportu naših partnera

We all know that exercise is good for our bodies and for our minds, too. But how exactly does it help us?

When we exercise, chemicals called endorphins travel through our bodies. Endorphins make us feel happier and they also reduce the feeling of pain. Exercise also makes our bones an muscles grow stronger. The heart is one of the body’s most important muscles, because it pumps blood round our body. When we breathe in, oxygen is absorbed into our blood, and our heart pumps it round our body – a stronger heart sends more oxygen around the body than a weak one. Every part of the body needs oxygen to work properly, especially the brain. As a result, active people are less likely to have seriuos problems with their health, both physically and mentally.
So, how often do you exercise? Scientists think that teenagers need to do 60 minutes of exercise every day in order to keep their bodies and minds strong and healthy. Unfortunately, not all teens do the recommended amount of exercise. This increases their risk of illness, health problems and becoming overweight.
What sort of exercise should you do? It’s best to combine moderate and vigorous activities. Moderate activities include walking, gentle cycling and skateboarding. Sports such as basketball and volleyball are also in this category. Vigorous activities include running, mountain biking, football, rugby and basketball.
Teenagers should also do muscle – strengthening exercises regularly. Good exercises to strengthen your muscles include press-ups and jumping, but some sports such as football and basketball are also good for this. Doing team sports is a fun way to get exercise.
It’s important to know that exercise alone doesn’t prevent health problems. You also need to make sure you aren’t inactive for the rest of the day. That means you shouldn’t sit for hours at a computer, in front of a TV screen or in a car.

Naš letak o sportu:

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Stop depresiji

Participation in physical activity and sport has been shown to be effective for reducing:

****psychological distress
****emotional disturbance

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Zašto jesti voće?



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What should we do to prevent obesity?

What should we do to prevent obesity?

Učenički rad o pretilosti:

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Fight season bugs

Fight season bugs with food (by Donatella Verbanac)

From the sea: oily fish and oysters because they contribute to a healthy and well-balanced immunity

From the forest: mushrooms (beech-stick)

From the field: eat cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts

From the pot: eat home-made hearty soups ( made from meat, bones and vegetables) in central Europe a red onion soup is considered a real remedy for flu

From the glass: it can be said that a glass of squeezed citrus fruits keeps the doctor away!


Healthy habits

Healthy habits for healthy heart

Walk, run, swim, ride a bike

Keep to a healthy diet ( the Mediterranean for example)

Reduce your body weight if necessary

Stop smoking

Control your blood pressure, the amount of sugar and fats in your blood

Visit a doctor if you are depressed or anxious

Healthy habits can help us prevent 80-90 % heart diseases


Healthy and unhealthy food
Priloženi dokumenti:

Slow food

- food that is produced or prepared in accordance with local culinary traditions,using high quality locally sourced ingredients


- founded by Carlo Petrini in Italy in 1986.
- it aims to preserve traditional and regional cuisine and encourages farming of plants,seeds and livestock characteristic of the local ecosystem
- its aims are also sustainable foods and promotion of local small businesses


GOOD- quality, flavorsome, healthy food

CLEAN- production that doesn’t harm the environment

FAIR- accessible prices for consumers and fair conditions and pay for producers



Prezentacija o DIABETESU

Naš filmić o DIABETESU:

Priloženi dokumenti:

Naš digitalni plakat

Link na naš padlet: A step towards balance

Link na naš drugi padlet:


Ono smo što jedemo

We are what we eat

Oily fish
According to the World Health Organisation, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a chronic lifestyle-related condition - which means it can be prevented. If you have cardiovascular disease it can be improved by engaging in positive lifestyle behaviours.

Changing your diet and making healthier food choices will give you the most bang for your buck. Dietary modifications prevent and treat five of the main risk factors for developing heart disease. High blood pressure, being overweight, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and inflammation. Here are subtle but effective changes you can make to our lifestyle, starting today.

Mediterranean diet

Much of our understanding of how diet impacts CVD comes from two populations: those who live around the Mediterranean, and the Japanese. Both of these cultures boast the lowest rates of CVD in the world. The Mediterranean diet is primarily vegetables, fruit, olive oil, nuts, seeds and fish. They enjoy a glass of red wine which is also cardio-protective, but the secret here is that they don't tend to binge drink. They are known to have a glass of red wine per day. They are fortunate to live closer to the equator and gain all the benefits that sunshine offers. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for CVD.

Priloženi dokumenti:

Naši partneri

Tim iz Albanije

Tim iz Španjolske

Timovi iz Italije

Tim iz Turske

Tim iz Njemačke

Tim iz Francuske





Čestitka naših partnera

Glasanje za logo
Učenici naše škole marljivo su radili na osmišljavanju loga za naš novi projekt FUTURE OF OUR HEALTH. Učenici svih škola zajedno napravili su 37 loga, te je konkurecija velika.
Učenici naše škole napravili su 7 loga.
Glasanje traje do 10. veljače, kad ćemo saznati pobjednika.




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O projektu

In our project, we will work on human health and future of our generations. During the project we will focus on eating habits, daily habits, sports and technology. It will end in July 2018.

Projekt je o zdravlju i sve što na njega utječe (hrana, sport, genetika). Projekt traje pola godine. U projektu sudjeluju dvije škole iz Turske, tri iz Italije, jedna iz Ukrajine, jedna iz Španjolske, jedna iz Francuske, jedna iz Poljske, jedna iz Albanije, te jedna iz Njemačke.

Prvi zadatak naših učenika, je osmisliti logo za projekt do 25. siječnja 2018. godine, te se upoznati s učenicima drugih škola koji sudjeluju u projektu.

Učenici aktivno rade na osmišljavanju loga, a tu možete pogledati neke od ideja:

Marija Karninčić-Srednja škola Bol



Furkan Aycan-Turkey


IES L'OM Logo 01-Spain

ISISS " O. Conti" Aversa (Italy)

ISISS " O. Conti" Aversa (Italy)

Furkan Aycan-Turkey

Furkan Aycan-Turkey

Furkan Aycan-Turkey

4BT ISISS "O. Conti" Aversa, Italy

4BT ISISS "O. Conti" Aversa, Italy

4BT ISISS "O. Conti" Aversa, Italy

Srednja škola BOL, učenica Karla Štambuk

Srednja škola BOL, učenica Karla Štambuk


Srednja škola BOL

Srednja škola BOL

Srednja škola BOL


ISISS "O. Conti" Aversa, Italy

Srednja škola BOL

4BT ISISS "O.Conti" Aversa, Italy

FRANCE / Lycée Michel de Montaigne

FRANCE / Lycée Michel de Montaigne

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Projekt Divlji pijat


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